Reflection on Creating Success Criteria

Peter, gr. 5/6:  Students wrote a paragraph (diagnostic) about a topic of their choice.  Then we did a few lessons that focused on writing an organized paragraph.  After that, we discussed what the success criteria should be for writing an organized paragraph.  We then used the success criteria to write a shared paragraph (as a whole class).  Students then used the success criteria to revise their initial paragraph.

Next Step:  Return revised paragraphs to students and have them analyze and highlight them for the success criteria.

Mike, gr. 6:  Lesson on Terry Fox.  Students watched a movie about Terry Fox.  We brainstormed character traits, and looked at Terry Fox’s character traits.  We narrowed our list to 8 character traits that successful people have.  I then posted success criteria to help students identify character traits as related to Terry Fox and support their ideas.  Students created a word splash that represented Terry Fox’s  character traits.

Next Step:  Have students analyze their finished product to see if they have met all the success criteria.

Christine, gr. 5/6:  I modeled an extensive brainstorm and we wrote up success criteria for the brainstorm.  While modeling a paragraph (My favourite things), we stopped frequently to discuss what the success criteria should.  Then students wrote a rough draft.  I conferenced with each student about how they followed the success criteria.  Students then revised their paragraphs, using the feedback provided (based on the success criteria).  Students also reflected on how they used the success criteria.  They answered these questions:  Did you use the success criteria for this assignment?  How can we improve the success criteria?

Next Step:  Have students reflect on how they used the feedback provided by me.

Ben & Alvira, gr. 7/8:  We read “Riding the Tiger” aloud, and then had students respond to the question “Who/What might the tiger represent?”  Then we analyzed student samples together for strengths and weaknesses to create success criteria.  We posted the success criteria and provided each student with a copy.  The students then analyzed their own writing for the success criteria, to determine their strengths and weaknesses.  Students then wrote another relate/reflect response to questions they discussed about the Hunger Games.

Next Step:  Model how to write a proper response to the questions discussed, and how to use the success criteria to help them answer a single question.  Slow down.


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