Author: apink
Key Learning From our Project
Descriptive Feedback Presentation 1. Model and chunk each part of the Success Criteria ○ Show students what each part means, what each part looks like ○ Go over students work […]
Learning Reflection
1. Breaking down the success criteria into individual parts and teaching to that individual part allowed students to master each success criteria and then build on to each one. For […]
Feedback Gr. 7/8 B. Roy & A.Pink
Since last meeting, we created a graphic organizer that would help students progress through the success criteria and make sure that they had included all the parts. Graphic Organizer This […]
Breaking down Success Criteria, P. Kirkelos
After creating success criteria for writing Newspaper Articles, I found that the students did not understand how to apply each criteria to their own work. So then, I decided […]
Math Anchor Charts, P.Kirkelos
After completing a diagnostic problem with a partner, students were asked to describe and name the strategy they used to multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers. Then Peter gave […]
Math Resources We have found useful
This was shared with us by our instructional coaches, and was taken from “Guidelines for Whole-Class Math-Talk” by Dr. Catherine D. Bruce. Peter has been using the questions on the […]