Feedback Gr. 7/8 B. Roy & A.Pink

Since last meeting, we created a graphic organizer that would help students progress through the success criteria and make sure that they had included all the parts.

Graphic Organizer

This was helpful to students, but the Level 1, 2 and low 3 students still struggled to understand some of the success criteria–Point, Proof, Explanation and Ineffective criteria. We then put students into mixed ability groups to work on one PPE together. Everyone had access to the same Graphic Organizer on Google Drive, and each group typed their ideas in.

Graphic Organizer with Collaboration

Here is what students had to say about their learning during this activity:

“Before I never knew that in proof you were supposed to write it from the text.  I now understand working in a group.  It’s easier to work in a group than to work alone independently.”

“The explanation always reflects back to the proof and point.  Before I never related back to the proof and point, I just explained something that I thought I could say about the physical activity (main idea).”

“I found a way to find proof faster than I could before.  My new strategy is to use the text and sort out the more important parts and put one or two of them in my own words…”

“I now understand that when you find your point, it is your main idea, and from that main idea you find your proof…”

“That it’s better to put why the intended audience should care about the information in the explanation.  I really didn’t think to put it but now I know how…”

“I learned how and where the proof was.  Before I didn’t know what was proof or where to look…”

“…how to find points in an article…And points are one specific idea from bigger ideas like warnings, consequences, benefits, etc…”

“I learned …how to find things like consequences, warnings, etc…”


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