Mini-Lessons on Success Criteria

After our last meeting, we realized that our students were still really struggling with understanding how to use the success criteria to improve their work. As a result, we decided to teach mini-lessons about each success criteria, so that when we use the success criteria to provide feedback, the students would understand how to use that feedback to improve their work. Ben and I broke our Success Criteria for Relate/Reflect Responses into 3 parts: Introduction, Body, Conclusion. Here is the lesson that I did to clarify how to write an effective introduction:
Success Criteria Introduction Lesson

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We then did the same with the body of the Relate/Reflect Response, focusing on how to write an effective paragraph that would include the success criteria we were looking for. Our sample and anchor chart is posted on our wall. See the picture above.

Lastly, we spent a period looking at conclusions, and how our last 2 success criteria might look.
Sample of Conclusion
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